Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We support missions in many different ways. The body is always watching to see where God is working and how we can join him. Whether it be our local missions such as the Summer Lunch Program, Christmas is Caring, mission trips with Partnership Missions to serve other churches and communities in the United States, or missions outside of our borders, we have a rich history of those who pray for, support, and/or answer the call to go. Likewise, we participate in the Cooperative Missions Program through the Southern Baptist Convention giving to mission drives such as Annie Armstrong, Lottie Moon and Rueben L South.

Active Missions
Summer Lunch Mission
Brenda Ensor is our Summer Lunch Director. She organizes, shops for, and greets each family as they pick up needed lunch items for around 35-50 families. She will be the first to say she has many who make this ministry possible.
Christmas is caring mission
Diana Hammond is our pastor's wife. But in this role, she organizes and works with many folks from area churches to make Christmas is Caring works. Christmas is Caring is a local mission that works to make sure that children in Monroe County get a good meal, gifts, coats, hats, gloves, and clothing at Christmas. The mission was started by Phyliss and Riley Barton in the early 70's. It is still going strong today.
Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming Partnership missions trip.
Each year in July, our Crossroads Baptist Association puts together a Partnership Missions Summer Mission Trip. This year they have begun offering a foreign mission trip as well. If you would like more information on either of these trips, click the MORE INFORMATION tab below.